Objective IELTS Intermediate Workbook Michael Black, Wendy Sharp

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Michael Black, Wendy Sharp - «Objective IELTS Intermediate Workbook»

О книге

"Objective IELTS Intermediate" is a new course offering students complete preparation for the Cambridge IELTS test. Designed for students aiming for a band score of 5.5 or 6, it combines thorough language development with systematic test preparation and practice. Its 20 short units cover a wide range of motivating topics and give a sense of progress.

The Workbook provides extra practice and consolidation of language and skills, five "Writing Workout" sections and a full practice IELTS reading module.

Key features of Objective IELTS:

  • Gives thorough preparation for both the General Training and Academic Modules.
  • Examples from the Cambridge Learner Corpus target areas most likely to cause problems for IELTS candidates.
  • Informed by the Cambridge Corpus of Academic English, it provides guidance in how to use appropriate academic style.
  • 10 "Test Folders" cover each exam task in depth and provide practical advice.
  • 10 "Writing Folders" develop writing skills and give thorough practice in exam tasks.
  • Regular revision units consolidate language learned.
  • A "Grammar Folder" appendix provides further explanations and examples.

    Формат: 22 см x 27 см. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Objective IELTS Intermediate Workbook (Michael Black, Wendy Sharp)

    Полное название книги Michael Black, Wendy Sharp Objective IELTS Intermediate Workbook
    Авторы Michael Black, Wendy Sharp
    Ключевые слова самоучители пособия учебники, международные языковые экзамены
    Категории Образование и наука, Иностранные языки
    ISBN 9780521608732
    Издательство Cambridge University Press
    Год 2008
    Название транслитом objective-ielts-intermediate-workbook-michael-black-wendy-sharp
    Название с ошибочной раскладкой objective ielts intermediate workbook michael black-wendy sharp