"Bonnie Tracks a Jungle Animal" is an adventure in the mind"s eye of a young girl whose imagination takes the reader through an open door into new and inventive escapes. On a tiny farm in the middle of corn country nestled in the state of Iowa, lived a young girl named Bonnie. She was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, adventure-loving girl. She is what you might call a "Tommy Girl" for she loved all the qualities of her girliness, yet she was as daring as any boy her age could be. Her imagination was the key that opened a door to all the world of which she could summon at her will. She frequently would summon her mind"s eye, and off she would go on some amazing adventure. This is one book in a series of books containing this girl"s mind"s eye worlds. "Bonnie Books" is a series that comes from the mind"s eye for the main character, Bonnie, is always creating adventure anywhere she may be. ""Bonnie Books"" come from the mind of a young girl having been born and raised in farm country. They are stories of a sweeter time in life, a time when a child created a world of adventure from most anything and nothing. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Bonnie Tracks a Jungle Animal (D. Walter-Sereg)