Fitness industry specialists Stephen Tharrett and James Peterson present an updated edition to the most comprehensive blueprint ever created for developing. leading. managing, and operating a successful health/fitness business. The book is separated into ten distinct sections representing the primary skill sets needed to succeed as a leader and manager in the health/fitness club industry.Each section contains these and other key topics: Introduction to the Health/Fitness Industry (history, beliefs and behaviors, and consumer attitudes); Membership in the Health/Fitness Club Industry (value of membership and membership retention, variables known to influence attrition and retention, creating and defining positive club-based expediences, defining and creating a service culture, and programming for health/fitness clubs); The Health/Fitness Club Business (legal business structure, business operating models, getting started, financial models and tools, budgeting, forecasting, driving profitability, buying, leasing, selling, and raising capital); Staffing Issues in the Health/Fitness Club Industry (employees versus independent contractors, compensations, benefits, education and skill competency, organizational alignment and structure, and team building and recruitment); Facilities and Equipment in the Health/Fitness Club Industry (types of facilities, design and construction process and associated costs, cardiovascular, selectorized/variable resistance, free-weight, and purchase or lease equipment); Operational Practices in the Health/Fitness Club Industry (risk management, AEDs, operating practice, front-desk, child-care, fitness, aquatics, tennis, locker rooms, laundry, housecleaning, accounting, types of spas, spa facilities and spa staff, sports-conditioning and sports-performance industry, sport participation, injury, and conditioning for youth, and the essential components of a sports-performance center); Overview of the International Health/Fitness Club Market (Asia, Europe, and Latin America); Also includes sections on the future of the health/fitness club industry and case studies Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Fitness Management (Stephen J. Tharrett, James A. Peterson)