Book DescriptionNot everyone can be a rock star, movie star, or TV personality, but that doesn"t mean that you can"t bask in at least a little limelight. There"s just as much going on behind the scenes as in front of the cameras and mikes: acquisitions, legal affairs, production, publicity, talent, marketingthese are just a few of the job areas in which you can make your mark in the entertainment industry. And there are jobs aplenty, though you"ll find a lot of competition for them. The reason: entertainment is one of the last fields in which the little guyor dollcan start at the bottom and claw to the top with hard work, resourcefulness, and a little bit of luck. At least, that"s the view of itself that Hollywood projects. Want the inside scoop? Check out Careers in Entertainment: The WetFeet Insider Guide . Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.
This Insider Guide will tell you everything you want to know about entertainment--and how you can get a job in the industry. Specifically, you"ll learn things like:
- Who the players are and what they do
- What vertical integration is and how it can make you happy or miserable
- Where you should live--New York or LA--and why living anywhere else is a handicap
- What the entertainment buzzwords are, and how to use them like the insiders do
- What the culture is like and why it varies based on where and who you are in the industry
- How much you can earn
- How to manage yourcareer
- How the recruiting process works and what to do to get ready for your interviews.
Download Description Not everyone can be a rock star, movie star, or TV personality, but that doesn"t mean that you can"t bask in at least a little limelight. There"s just as much going on behind the scenes as in front of the cameras and mikes: acquisitions, legal affairs, production, publicity, talent, marketing-these are just a few of the job areas in which you can make your mark in the entertainment industry. And there are jobs aplenty, though you"ll find a lot of competition for them. The reason: entertainment is one of the last fields in which the little guy-or doll-can start at the bottom and claw to the top with hard work, resourcefulness, and a little bit of luck. At least, that"s the view of itself that Hollywood projects. Want the inside scoop? Check out Careers in Entertainment: The WetFeet Insider Guide . Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush.
This Insider Guide will tell you everything you want to know about entertainment--and how you can get a job in the industry. Specifically, you"ll learn things like:
- Who the players are and what they do
- What vertical integration is and how it can make you happy or miserable
- Where you should live--New York or LA--and why living anywhere else is a handicap
- What the entertainment buzzwords are, and how to use them like the insiders do
- What the culture is like and why it varies based on where and who you are in the industry
- How much you can earn
- How to manage your career
- How the recruiting process works and what to do to get ready for your interviews.