Upgrading to QuarkXPress 5 (from QuarkXPress 4) Kevin A. Siegel (книга)

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Kevin A. Siegel - «Upgrading to QuarkXPress 5 (from QuarkXPress 4)»


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О книге

This is the Fastest Way to Learn The New Features in QuarkXPress 5!

If you are an experienced QuarkXPress 4 user, you will love the new tools and features added to QuarkXPress 5. The new tools include Layers, Tables, HTML and PDF support. This book has lessons for each, and you can teach yourself in 7 hours or less--from the comfort of your own home or office. All you need is this book and QuarkXPress 5 installed on your Macintosh or PC.

Here is exactly what you will learn:

New Utilities and Commands

Context Menus

Set Document Preferences | Use Context Menus

The Find/Change Command

Use Find/Change to Change Text Color

Collect for Output

Collect a File for Output | Review the Collect For Output Report

Getting and Altering Pictures

Get (Import) a Picture | Pan a Picture | Fit and Center a Picture | Change the Scale of a Picture

Helpful XTensions

Jabberwocky: Use Jabberwocky | Append Style Sheets

Underline Styles: Create Underline Styles

Super Step and Repeat: Use Super Step and Repeat

Guide Manager: Work with the Guide Manager

Line Check: Work with Line Check


Learn about Points, Picas and Inches

Change the Measurement System to Picas | Add and Format an Item

CMYK Colors

Use the Colors Palette | Use Spot Colors

Create and Use Layers

Create and Modify Layers | Move Elements to Layers | Hide Layers | Move Layers


Creating Tables from Scratch

Draw a Table | Add Data, Columns and Rows to a Table | Combine Cells and Format a Table | Format a Table | Change Table Page Position and Gridlines

Converting Text to Tables

Convert Text into a Table | Resize a Table

Long Documents

Book Files

Create a Book File | Add Chapters to a Book File | Reorder and Remove Chapters


Synchronize Selected Chapters


Create a Table of Contents Style | Create a Table of Contents List | Create a Table of Contents


Ensure the Index XTension is Installed | Add Index Entries | Build an Index | Change the Punctuation Used in an Index | Create Style Sheets for the Index | Create Second-Level Index Entries


Create a Cross-Reference


Creating Web Documents

Create a Web Document | Change Page Properties | Export as HTML and Preview in a Browser


Create Anchors | Hyperlink Text| Hyperlink Graphics

Alternative Text

Add Alternative Text to a Graphic Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Upgrading to QuarkXPress 5 (from QuarkXPress 4) (Kevin A. Siegel)

Полное название книги Kevin A. Siegel Upgrading to QuarkXPress 5 (from QuarkXPress 4)
Тип Книга
Автор Kevin A. Siegel
Ключевые слова графика
Категории Компьютеры и Internet, Графика, дизайн, CAD
ISBN 1891762761
Возрастное ограничение 18
Название транслитом upgrading-to-quarkxpress-5-from-quarkxpress-4-kevin-a-siegel
Просмотров 4
Рейтинг izbe.ru 0,0

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