The Digital Darkroom Guide with Adobe Photoshop Maurice Hamilton (книга)

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Maurice Hamilton - «The Digital Darkroom Guide with Adobe Photoshop»


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О книге

Covering tools that photographers need in order to masterfully apply traditional darkroom techniques using Adobe Photoshop, this book explains how to achieve professional, believable images that appear enhanced-not manipulated and unnatural. Detailed arethe steps required to turn digital files into master files, which can then be used to produce fine art prints from a personal or commercial printer. Recognizing that an essential feature of the digital darkroom is a color-managed workload, which requiresa properly calibrated monitor, this book explains basic color theory and how to best incorporate it into the developing process. Although the techniques described are appropriate for all users of the software, no prior experience with Adobe Photoshop is necessary. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Digital Darkroom Guide with Adobe Photoshop (Maurice Hamilton)

Полное название книги Maurice Hamilton The Digital Darkroom Guide with Adobe Photoshop
Тип Книга
Автор Maurice Hamilton
Ключевые слова дизайн, графика
Категории Компьютеры и Internet, Графика, дизайн, CAD
ISBN 1584281219
Возрастное ограничение 18
Название транслитом the-digital-darkroom-guide-with-adobe-photoshop-maurice-hamilton
Просмотров 4
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