Bullock and Haddow have set the standard for homeland security textbooks, and they follow up their top-selling second edition with this substantially improved third edition. Faculty, students, and professional practitioners value the decades of experience that the authors bring to their analysis, and their passionate argument for an all-hazards approach to enhancing America"s safety is now presented still more cogently.Links to the most current online government information help to keep the text up to date in this rapidly developing field. The pedagogical elements in the bound book as well as the ancillaries will be expanded with more provocative discussion questions, clearly stated objectives, and new illustrations and examples drawn from recent events.The bedrock principles of preparing for, mitigating, managing, and recovering from a disaster remain the same through the years, and this revision emphasizes their value with new clarity and conviction.NEW TO THIS EDITION:* New chapter on the future of homeland security* Updates include developments since 2006, such as the shift from DHS to HHS of National Disaster Medical System* Additional online resources keep students in touch with latest developments* Fresh crisp layout and more pedagogy like chapter objectives and critical thinking exercises aid student learning* Slideshow of key moments in American homeland security, including 9/11 and Katrina Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Introduction to Homeland Security, Third Edition: Principles of All-Hazards Response (Butterworth-Heinemann Homeland Security) (Jane Bullock, George Haddow, Damon P. Coppola, Sarp Yeletaysi)