Microsoft® SQL Server OLAP Developer's Guide Your Complete How-To Guide
- Understand the ROLAP, MOLAP, and HOLAP data storage structures
- Populate a data warehouse using SQL Server 7 Data Transformation Services
- Create data cubes with OLAP Manager Wizards
- Use Decision Support Objects to build powerful OLAP applications for the enterprise
- Retrieve and display OLAP data using ADO MD objects and PivotTable Services
- Use MDX to write "what-if" and other sophisticated OLAP queries
- Develop custom add-ins for OLAP Manager using Visual Basic
- Build client-side applications to query OLAP data using Excel PivotTables
- Construct a custom application that drills up and down through cell sets
- Set up data descriptions in the English Query environment
- Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 120-day evaluation edition
- Ready-to-use source code and all examples from the book
- AntQuery (trial)
- OLAP@Work for Microsoft Excel (trial)