Love It, Don`t Leave It encourages employees to assume responsibility for the way their work lives work. This is not difficult, say authors Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans, who take a witty and practical approach to finding job satisfaction. Presented in an appealing, accessible A to Z format, the book includes strategies for communication, career growth, balancing work with family, and more.
Chapters include:
Ask: And You May Receive
Jerk: Work with One?
Passion: It`s Not Just a Fruit
Zenith: Are We There Yet?
The same breezy, results-minded style that made the authors `Love `Em or Lose `Em` a bestseller makes this follow-up a fun and inspiring read. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Love It, Don`t Leave It. 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work (Beverly L. Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans)