The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom Bill Kennedy (книга)

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Bill Kennedy - «The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom»


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О книге

• Comes with a CD-ROM including step-by-step tutorials

• Learn how to make exceptional prints with ink on paper

• Up-to-the-minute advice and explanations

At last—a complete, detailed guide to the digital darkroom that shows photographers how to translate their knowledge of the "wet darkroom" to digital imaging. How to manage digital files, how to create workflows that build on the strengths of film photography and use the power of digital tools, how to configure Photoshop—these are just a few of the techniques presented in this easy-to-understand handbook. A convenient CD-ROM presents helpful step-by-step tutorials plus hundreds of sample images to complete the picture Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom (Bill Kennedy)

Полное название книги Bill Kennedy The Photographer's Guide to the Digital Darkroom
Тип Книга
Автор Bill Kennedy
Ключевые слова новинки дизайна, графика и дизайн
Категории Компьютеры и Internet, Графика, дизайн, CAD
ISBN 158115433
Возрастное ограничение 18
Год 2006
Название транслитом the-photographer-apos-s-guide-to-the-digital-darkroom-bill-kennedy
Просмотров 7
Рейтинг 0,0

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