Tomorrow's Cities, Tomorrow's Suburbs William H. Lucy, David L. Phillips

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William H. Lucy, David L. Phillips - «Tomorrow's Cities, Tomorrow's Suburbs»

О книге

While cities ruled the first half of the twentieth century, the second half belonged to the suburbs. Tomorrow’s Cities, Tomorrow’s Suburbs answers the question of which will dominate in the twenty-first century. William H. Lucy and David L. Phillips assess the contemporary struggle between urban hubs and suburban outposts, documenting the signs of resurgence in cities and the omens of suburban decline. Using clues about the life cycles of cities and suburbs, from changing income rates to perceptions of crime, Tomorrow’s Cities, Tomorrow’s Suburbs punctures myths about the relative health of cities and suburbs; offers insights into the influence of housing, racial segregation, immigration, and poverty on population changes in cities and suburbs; and examines popular perceptions—and misperceptions—about cities and suburbs that similarly affect settlement patterns. Suggesting that urban decline can be halted and even reversed, Tomorrow’s Cities, Tomorrow’s Suburbs offers practical suggestions for local planners, officials, and citizens as they work to create an environment in which both cities and suburbs thrive.
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Полное название книги William H. Lucy, David L. Phillips Tomorrow's Cities, Tomorrow's Suburbs
Авторы William H. Lucy, David L. Phillips
Ключевые слова архитектура, новые поступления
Категории Искусство и культура
ISBN 1932364145
Год 2006
Название транслитом tomorrow-apos-s-cities-tomorrow-apos-s-suburbs-william-h-lucy-david-l-phillips
Название с ошибочной раскладкой tomorrow's cities, tomorrow's suburbs william h. lucy-david l. phillips