"Set Sail!" is an early-primary course. Two captivating characters, Larry and Lulu, along with their pet, Chuckles the chimp, take young learners to a world of fun and adventure! Set Sail! 1 promotes listening and speaking whilst leading children gently into practicing all four skills through pre-reading and pre-writing activities. Set Sail! 2 provide practice in all four skills, progressing to more demanding tasks designed to fully equip young learners with the ability to communicate in the target language. Each level of the Set Sail! series consists of six themes. The "Pupil"s Book" and the "Activity Book" are designed to be covered in 70 hours of classroom work. Key Features: presentation of vocabulary through colour flashcards, new language presented through lively dialogues, songs, chants and games, pronunciation "twisters", constant recycling of vocabulary and grammar, revision and evaluation at the end of each theme, a play for performance purposes, full-colour Activity Book, stickers, story book: a book of stories for each level, step-by-step interleaved Teacher"s Book with additional activities and games (Kids? Corner), about me (Projects), craftwork cut-outs, picture (word) cards, fully dramatised audio CDs, puppet (Chuckles), DVD. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Set Sail! 2: Teacher's Activity Book (Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans)