"The lectures in tins book have been printed together thus, in order to bring the whole into a compact and readable form for general use. Each lecture was delivered separately in the Grand Temple of the Magi before the classes of advancement in the lower degrees. They cover a period of some sixteen months or more and each being complete in itself, no attempt is made to make them consecutive here.
If repetitions of some points are noticed the reader will understand the reason, by the above explanation.
The Temple Lectures are delivered extemporaneously and without notes and make no pretentious to scholarly finish or rhetoric. I ask my readers to criticise and consider the thoughts expressed in them, rather than the style or manner of expression.
It was at first proposed to embody my work on the "Sacred Tarot" and the "Astral Test Book" herein; but I found that it wits not possible at present and would make too costly a work, so those subjects are left for a future publication, which will be duly announced inTime".
Fraternally yours, Olney H. Richmond