The Management of Purpose Lewis Dexter

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Lewis Dexter - «The Management of Purpose»

О книге

Lewis Anthony Dexter may well have been one of the better known and least appreciated political scientists of the last century. This outstanding collection of Dexter?s writings, demonstrates why Dexter remains important. The volume offers solid reasons for researching the topics Dexter pioneered, and is a masterful guide to his thought and analyses. Dexter?s writings derive from a multifaceted career. The Management of Purpose is organized into three broad subject areas: sociology, political science, and practicing social science. Dexter?s notions of what constituted sociology and anthropology and his understandings of these areas and how to use them to illumine political matters are unusual. His use of multiple types of evidence, including history and logic, enables him to make significant contributions to the study of society?s response to social problems. His work on labeling theory shows that social labels have a power that both transcends and distorts reality. Dexter was also a pioneer in the interactionist perspective, linking the labeled and those doing the labeling, and in demonstrating how organizations tend to compartmentalize and specialize. Dexter?s work provides the analytic tools to enable readers to better understand many of the issues that remain a part of the American political landscape. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Management of Purpose (Lewis Dexter)

Полное название книги Lewis Dexter The Management of Purpose
Автор Lewis Dexter
Ключевые слова новинки менеджмента
Категории Деловая литература, Менеджмент. Управление предприятием
ISBN 1412810345
Год 2009
Название транслитом the-management-of-purpose-lewis-dexter
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the management of purpose lewis dexter