We have reached a new phase in the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web that may be even scarier than the first. Many organizations have already moved into the sector but the rules are still changing. Smart managers know that now, more thanever, the way in which we embrace e-business will determine our potential for success.
If you really want to know about e-business Smart Things to Know about E-Business (a comprehensively revised and updated edition of Smart Things to Know About E-Commerce) is the book for you. Cunningham provides a complete grounding in the principles of e-business, from technology and first steps to marketing, strategy and customer care and retention. Smart Things to Know about E-Business goes beyondthe basics however to look at the new trends emerging as e-business moves from hype to profit, including:
- B2B models
- The RSP revolution
- Partners and partnering
- Peer-to-peer and community models
- New strategic thinking