With film purchase and development costs as high as ever, and quality digital cameras selling for only a couple of hundred bucks, if you haven"t bought a digital camera yet, you will. And when you do, you"ll want John Odam"s practical and lovely Start with a Digital Camera, 2nd Edition to help you overcome the limitations of digital photography and make the most of its unique advantages. In this newly revised edition, updated to cover advanced camera resolutions, new storage options, and Adobe Elements, you"ll learn how to pick out and use your digital camera, work with models and props, optimize images for printing as well as for onscreen presentation, manage memory and storage, and much more. You"ll also walk away with a ton of valuable tips on using digital photos in publications, on the Web, and in limited-edition prints. Start with a Digital Camera, 2nd Edition uses hundreds of full-color photos, graphic design case studies, and step-by-step examples to give you both the knowledge and inspiration to generate excellent digital photos and incorporate them in graphic design.