You"ve just joined a board of directors. You"re enthused about the organization"s contribution and mission. But you"re suddenly uncertain about what"s expected of you beside reading reports and attending meetings.
Common Sense for Board Members sets forth bite-sized advice. It begins by clarifying the difference between board work and staff work. It speaks to moving board members from doing organizational housekeeping to doing organizational planning.
Edgar Stoesz, who served for years as chairman of Habitat for Humanity International and is the co-author of the topselling book Doing Good Better, covers many practical matters in brief but thoughtful fashion. Among the more than 40 topics that he deals with are: Whose Rules of Order?, When Did You Last Vote Nay?, Delegating: Who Is Responsible?, Boardroom Bullies, and Dealing With a Crisis. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Common Sense for Board Members: 40 Essays About Board Service (Edgar Stoesz, Edqar Stoesz)