Book Description
Strategies that make managers heroes to their staffs and their bosses
In a time when the job marketplace is more changeable than ever, finding and keeping the best employees and maintaining an upbeat, productive work environment has never been more important. Lynda Ford, a leading consultant on workplace issues in companies from the very small to the Fortune 500, delivers an indispensable survival guide for every manager who"s ever been asked to do more with less. Using stories of successful--and some not-so-successful--managers to illustrate her points, Ford equips readers with 52 proven, easy-to-implement strategies that they can readily tailor to any organization"s unique needs, including:
- Address potentially sticky situations head-on
- Give employees room to stretch
- Be a management gladiator
- Be positively unpredictable when it counts
- Celebrate the small stuff
- Infuse passion-and let it show
- Discover employee motivators and use them
- Develop leaders, not followers
- Get rid of the fickle finger of blame
- Use failure as a vehicle for success