The Telugu Mission of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, Containing a Biography of the Rev. Christian Frederick Heyer, M. D George Drach, Calvin F. Kuder

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George Drach, Calvin F. Kuder - «The Telugu Mission of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, Containing a Biography of the Rev. Christian Frederick Heyer, M. D»

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Полное название книги George Drach, Calvin F. Kuder The Telugu Mission of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, Containing a Biography of the Rev. Christian Frederick Heyer, M. D
Авторы George Drach, Calvin F. Kuder
Ключевые слова история
Категории Образование и наука, История
ISBN 9781375995696
Издательство Andesite Press
Год 2017
Название транслитом the-telugu-mission-of-the-general-council-of-the-evangelical-lutheran-church-in-north-america-containing-a-biography-of-the-rev-christian-frederick-heyer-m-d-george-drach-calvin-f-kuder
Название с ошибочной раскладкой the telugu mission of the general council of the evangelical lutheran church in north america, containing a biography of the rev. christian frederick heyer, m. d george drach-calvin f. kuder