Do you feel like you are constantly messing up relationships wherever you go? Not just romantic ones either-some are platonic, or professional, or even familial. If you feel like your relationships are in shambles and you want to know why, then keep reading!
Your relationship struggles could be related to one common problem: A lack of emotional intelligence. When you lack emotional intelligence, relationships of all kinds start to suffer. You may find that your friendships are shallow, your romantic relationships are full of nothing but arguing and fighting, and your family prefers to keep their distance. If this sounds like you, it is your lucky day. You can fix this all with the development of a single skillset.
Emotional intelligence is a skill set that is designed to provide you with social skills that can keep your relationships running smoothly once and for all. When you develop emotional intelligence, you focus on four key skills that all come together to create an ability to manage social situations with ease. These skills are self-awareness, self-control, empathy, and motivation. When you are able to employ these four skills within the emotional intelligence skillset, you unlock one more master skill-social skills that you may have been lacking.
Despite the fact that everyone is born with an inherent predisposition toward specific personalities and therefore toward inherent predispositions to very specific levels of emotional intelligence, it is not limited to whatever you have right this minute.
You can develop your emotional intelligence and raise your emotional intelligence quotient!
That's right. You can intentionally work with these skills to make yourself more adept at them. As you learn these skills, you are able to reap the benefits of someone who is highly emotionally intelligent. You become charismatic and easy to talk to. You become desirable socially. You become well-liked. All thanks to learning how to interact with other people, and Emotional Intelligence is here to teach you how to do all of that.
Within this book, you will find:
A comprehensive background to the basics of emotional intelligence and why it is so incredibly important to you in the first placeA focus on each of the skills for emotional intelligence, exploring self-awareness, self-control, motivation, and empathy in depthA discussion of how emotional intelligence can improve you as an individualHow emotional intelligence and persuasion go hand-in-handHow emotional intelligence relates to emotional drain and how to fight itHabits of the emotionally intelligent individualThe tackling of several myths surrounding emotional intelligenceAn emotional intelligence quotient test with resultsAND MORE!
Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Emotional Intelligence. Improve Your Life Becoming Successful at Work and in Relationships. Raise Your EQ and Your Social Skills Learning Emotional Agility and Discover Why It Can Matter More (Bradley Goleman)