How can we Humans live within Earth’s limitations? We Humans seem to have lost ‘concern’ for the well-being of our fellow Humans. The life style among much of our Human population tends to aim at, “how much can I get” - with little concern about, “how much can I give." This loss of concern threatens the successful continuation of our Human Civilization. With our concentration on “how much can we get," we’ve lost sight of the impact being imposed on our World.On the one hand: with our World Human population having grown to seven billion plus citizens, the World no longer has the ability to support a population this size. Estimates vary, but a consensus of opinion limits the allowable size population to two billion.On the other hand: the spread between the wealthy and the impoverished has grown to the point, that a revolution seems inevitable.The difficulties that we Humans face in responding to the problems described above may be insurmountable! Considerable effort and understanding is required World-wide for us Humans to resolve these problems. If we Humans are not successful in overcoming these problems, our time on Earth may end in the not too distant future. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге OUR HUMAN DESTINY. BOOK 2 (Lou Shook)