A Life in Illustration: The Most Famous Illustrators and Their Work (книга)

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О книге

What does an illustrator actually do and in what fields can one work? Today's most successful illustrators present their work and talk about their experiences in one of life's most beautiful careers. Illustration is no longer just illustration. Today, illustrators write and create children's picture books and graphic novels; they structure information through infographics; they design logos, fonts, and other typographical applications; they contribute to the editorial design of newspapers and magazines; they apply their talents to advertising and fashion; and they develop and produce their own products on the basis of their creations. Despite the fact that all of these activities are based on illustration, each of them has its own rules and its own specialists, tasks, and job descriptions to go along with them. Against this background, A life in Illustration gives an insider's look at the diverse facets of this creative medium through extensive portraits of today's leading... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге A Life in Illustration: The Most Famous Illustrators and Their Work

Полное название книги A Life in Illustration: The Most Famous Illustrators and Their Work
Тип Книга
Ключевые слова изобразительное искусство, живопись, теория и техника
Категории Искусство и культура, Изобразительное искусство
ISBN 9783899554854
Возрастное ограничение 18
Издательство Gestalten Verlag
Год 2013
Название транслитом a-life-in-illustration-the-most-famous-illustrators-and-their-work
Просмотров 4
Рейтинг izbe.ru 0,0

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