Ulcerative Colitis (UC) together with Crohn’s disease (CD) belongs to inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). IBD is to date as frequent as Insulin Dependent Diabetes (IDDM) and is second to Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in its chronicity. Poor adherence in UC is a well known phenomenon, which is associated with a 5-fold increased risk of relapse and increased health care costs. Web-based treatment solution with self-initiated 5-ASA treatment in UC based on the patient’s pattern recognition of the disease course had not been published previously. The aims of the research were: 1) In a European evidence based consensus to assess the IBD patients’ need for Quality of Health Care (QoHC); 2) To validate the influence of a Patient Educational Center (PEC) and a web-based treatment solution program, www.constant-care.dk, on patients? disease self-management, adherence, Quality of Life, and disease course after 1 year of self-initiated 5-ASA treatment. 3) To validate two new quantitative... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Web-based treatment in patients with UC and 5-ASA treatment (Margarita Elkjaer)