Ashoka ( Saraca indica Linn)is an important medicinal plant used in Ayurveda indian sysytem of medicine mainly used to treat Gynaecological disorders. But unfortunately this plant is listed as one of the Endangered plant by National medicinal plants board( NMBP) govt of India but as such no scarcity is observed in the market hence it creats a doubt regarding genuinity of the market sample so present study is conducted to screen the genuinity based on the phamacognostic and phytochemical parameters.and results revealed that none of the market samples are derived from Saraca indica Linn rather of diffrent botanical sources. it shows the clearcut adulteration of this plant which will surely affect the clinical effigacy of the medicines where Ashoka is one of the ingridient. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Market samples analysis of Saraca indica LINN (Dr Nataraj Hanchinamane Ramegowda)