Feeding Practices and Malnutrition of Children in the Tropics Pherry Nakwaku

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Pherry Nakwaku - «Feeding Practices and Malnutrition of Children in the Tropics»

О книге

Feeding Practices and Malnutrition of Children in the Tropics is a situation analysis study that was carried out in the rural community of Eastern Uganda with the aim of providing information on feeding practices commonly practiced in some households and communities. The author has endeavored to expound on the varied factors at play that affect the availability of foods in households in relationship to the nutrient distribution in meals for a cross section of the population.The information documented will help equip Extension or Community Workers and other concerned authorities with background knowledge and design practical relevant solutions that will solve the malnutrition problem. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Feeding Practices and Malnutrition of Children in the Tropics (Pherry Nakwaku)

Полное название книги Pherry Nakwaku Feeding Practices and Malnutrition of Children in the Tropics
Автор Pherry Nakwaku
Ключевые слова социология, общие работы по социологии
Категории Образование и наука, Социология
ISBN 9783659292521
Год 2013
Название транслитом feeding-practices-and-malnutrition-of-children-in-the-tropics-pherry-nakwaku
Название с ошибочной раскладкой feeding practices and malnutrition of children in the tropics pherry nakwaku