History is an unending dialogue between the present and the past. It provides a better understanding of society and the fellow human being. The teaching of history inculcates the values and develops a good citizenship among the students. Teaching history through technology makes the students to learn the concepts in a better way. This book describes that the effectiveness of power point Presentation in teaching history among high school students. It is an experimental study in which the control group receives traditional way of teaching, experimental group receives the teaching with power point presentation for a period of two weeks. Pre-test Post test experimental group design was adopted. The finding shows that teaching with power point slide presentation increases the academic performance of the students. This is because of events and places which shown in the package. It is an urgent need to adopt these kinds of basic technology in the teaching learning process. This sort... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Power Point Presentation in Teaching History (Boopathiraj Chinnusamy)