Review on Evaluation of Land Suitability for Crop Production Mesfin Bibiso

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Mesfin Bibiso - «Review on Evaluation of Land Suitability for Crop Production»

О книге

Land evaluation is the process of assessing the possible use of land for agriculture, engineering, forestry, recreation, industry and conservation. In the agricultural context, it is the assessment for specific kind of land utilization, example extensive grazing, rain-fed farming, irrigation and agriculture. Land evaluation methods aim at assessing land qualities or suitability for specific land use, as conditioned by biophysical parameters. The physical resources remain reasonably stable, unlike the socioeconomic that are affected by social, economic and political setting Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Review on Evaluation of Land Suitability for Crop Production (Mesfin Bibiso)

Полное название книги Mesfin Bibiso Review on Evaluation of Land Suitability for Crop Production
Автор Mesfin Bibiso
Ключевые слова экология, естественные науки, человек и окружающая среда
Категории Образование и наука
ISBN 9783659307270
Год 2012
Название транслитом review-on-evaluation-of-land-suitability-for-crop-production-mesfin-bibiso
Название с ошибочной раскладкой review on evaluation of land suitability for crop production mesfin bibiso