Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereals next to rice and wheat, in the world as well in India. It is one of the most versatile crops and can be grown in diverse environmental conditions and has diversified uses in human food and animal feed. It has got immense potential and is therefore called as “miracle crop” and also “queen of cereals”. The crop occupies third place among the cereals and it is cultivated over an area of 7.59 million ha with a production of 14.71 million tonnes and the average productivity is 1938 kg /ha.In Tamil Nadu, it occupies an area of 0.20 million hectares with a production of 0.24 million tonnes and an average productivity of 1189 kg/ ha. maize growers face specific problems in marketing because the feed industries procure maize through private agencies like village merchants, middlemen problem etc. In order to help the maize growers to overcome the constraints social studies are required ultimately. In this regard the present study is... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Study on adoption and marketing behavior of maize growers (Jai Sridhar)