Study of Altrnaria spp. associated with some Umbelliferous crops Gireesh Chand and U. Narayan

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Gireesh Chand and U. Narayan - «Study of Altrnaria spp. associated with some Umbelliferous crops»

О книге

Family Umbelliferae includes the plants which are used as the source of vegetables and spices in India. Carrot, coriander, fennel and Indian dill are the members of this family which are the vital source of minerals, vitamins and dietary fibers. Carrot is grown all over India. It is taken raw as well as in cooked form. Carrot juice is a rich source of carotene and is sometimes used for colouring butter and other foods. Indian dill [Anethum sowa (Roxb.) et Flem.] is oldest cultivated medicinal plants is India. Its emulsion in water is an integral part for marketing gripe-water used to improve digestion and to control vomiting in children. Fennel [Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Saunf)] is a stout, aromatic annual herb. The voletile oil is used for manufacturing cordials and enters into the composition of fennel water, which is commonly given to infants as medicine. Four species of the genus Alternaria viz. A. dauci, A. radicina, A. alternata and A. tenuissima were found to be associated... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Study of Altrnaria spp. associated with some Umbelliferous crops (Gireesh Chand and U. Narayan)

Полное название книги Gireesh Chand and U. Narayan Study of Altrnaria spp. associated with some Umbelliferous crops
Автор Gireesh Chand and U. Narayan
Ключевые слова сельское хозяйство, ветеринария, животноводство, лесное хозяйство, растениеводство
Категории Медицина и здоровье. ЗОЖ, Ветеринария
ISBN 9783659293177
Год 2012
Название транслитом study-of-altrnaria-spp-associated-with-some-umbelliferous-crops-gireesh-chand-and-u-narayan
Название с ошибочной раскладкой study of altrnaria spp. associated with some umbelliferous crops gireesh chand and u. narayan