Analog-to-Digital conversion is a basic signal processing task that is needed at various places in the context of modern day mixed-signal systems like instrumentation & control systems, system-on-chip, etc. It is because of the fact that most real-world signals are analog in nature whereas most on-chip computation is digital. The technical literature is replete with electronic implementations of analog to digital converters including, but not limited to, Flash ADC, Successive Approximation ADC, and Sigma-Delta ADC. Given their promise of parallel processing and fast convergence, artificial neural networks have also been employed for analog-to-digital conversion. The first such attempt employed the Hopfield Neural Network and later several variants were introduced. However, most of the existing neural circuits for analog-to-digital conversion have an underlying similarity in the sense that they are derived from the Hopfield Network Architecture. ... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Analog-to-Digital Conversion using ANNs with Non-Linear Feedback (Mohd. Samar Ansari and Syed Gulraze Anjum)