Constitutive modelling in Continuum Damage Mechanics Mehdi Ganjiani, Reza Naghdabadi and Mohsen Asghari

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Mehdi Ganjiani, Reza Naghdabadi and Mohsen Asghari - «Constitutive modelling in Continuum Damage Mechanics»

О книге

Growing of damage as internal micro-defects in materials leads to degradation of mechanical properties up to the complete failure. Continuum Damage Mechanics is the most popular inelastic theory which is concerned with the effective continuum representation of a material including distributed micro-defects. The emphasis of this monograph is placed on the theoretical formulation and numerical implementation of the different constitutive models in the framework of continuum damage mechanics. To this end, several constitutive models are proposed for brittle and ductile solids. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Constitutive modelling in Continuum Damage Mechanics (Mehdi Ganjiani,Reza Naghdabadi and Mohsen Asghari)

Полное название книги Mehdi Ganjiani, Reza Naghdabadi and Mohsen Asghari Constitutive modelling in Continuum Damage Mechanics
Авторы Mehdi Ganjiani, Reza Naghdabadi and Mohsen Asghari
Ключевые слова технические науки, технические науки в целом, техника
Категории Образование и наука, Технические науки
ISBN 9783659279515
Год 2012
Название транслитом constitutive-modelling-in-continuum-damage-mechanics-mehdi-ganjiani-reza-naghdabadi-and-mohsen-asghari
Название с ошибочной раскладкой constitutive modelling in continuum damage mechanics mehdi ganjiani-reza naghdabadi and mohsen asghari