Knowledge is power. In today''s education arena, being successful encompasses understanding how to learn effectively. Some traditional teaching techniques using a teaching-centered approach to instruction has not been successful for all students. This is evidenced by the dropout rate of 50% in high schools in the United States (Snyder, 1999, p. 11). Statistics such as these portray a serious educational problem. Realizing the American dream of completing an education should not just be for those that can score high on a traditional intelligence test. In 1983, Howard Gardner developed the theory of Multiple Intelligences which explains the presence of nine different Intelligences: 1. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence 2. Existential Intelligence 3. Interpersonal Intelligence 4. Intrapersonal Intelligence 5. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence 6. Musical Intelligence 7. Naturalistic Intelligence 8. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence 9. Visual/Spatial Intelligence Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES PREFERENCES OF ADULTS (Joyce McClellan)