Approaches for Creating Environmental Awareness Paschal Nzeneri

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Paschal Nzeneri - «Approaches for Creating Environmental Awareness»

О книге

Unhealthy environmental practices have become common characteristics of men, especially among the work-force (Adults). In the quest for improving their living conditions without considering the limit of their exploration, they exploit the environment by mounting pressure on the carrying capacity of the earth, thus, depleting the resource base - earth’s environment. Consequently, the relevance of Environmental Education for the improvement of human activities for environmental sustainability becomes not just imperative but indispensable for achieving sustainable national growth and development. This book therefore, investigates the existing approaches of Environmental Education for creating environmental awareness among community members. It demands training, public enlightenment and participation as some of its approaches. Among other things, the objectives of this book are to find out whether community members are aware of the existing approaches for creating environmental awareness.... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Approaches for Creating Environmental Awareness (Paschal Nzeneri)

Полное название книги Paschal Nzeneri Approaches for Creating Environmental Awareness
Автор Paschal Nzeneri
Ключевые слова педагогика, общие работы по педагогике
Категории Образование и наука, Педагогика
ISBN 9783659123559
Год 2012
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