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О книге

Great gap in cultural variance lies between western & eastern paintings. Do they conflict with each other or can they marry and benefit each other? Little such literature exists. This book reveals a unique perspective to tackle this topic. Chinese artists practice in western settings in 3 ways. Most stick to their tradition or get fully westernized. A brave few endeavor to combine eastern & western paintings, resulting in creative works. This book shows an experience in bridging the two in 2 areas: aesthetic/philosophical integration & artistic processes interweaving, thus an innovative new hybrid of art works in contemporary western art context emerges. The research highlights intercultural interactions through multidirectional, multicultural & multimedia approaches. No similar experiments have taken place before. This research/experiment has generated positive thoughts in contemporary western art world. It is especially meaningful to main stream... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге BRIDGING CHINESE (Pisen Hong)

Полное название книги Pisen Hong BRIDGING CHINESE
Автор Pisen Hong
Ключевые слова искусствоведение, история искусств, всеобщая история искусств
Категории Искусство и культура, Искусствоведение
ISBN 9783838315881
Год 2009
Название транслитом bridging-chinese-pisen-hong
Название с ошибочной раскладкой bridging chinese pisen hong