Agriculture is the most predominant sector in the Indian economy, agriculture (including allied activities) accounted for 15.7 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP at constant 2004-05 base year prices) in 2008-09 (Indian Economy, 2010). Bullocks are the primary and basic instrument for agricultural operations. Agriculture is depending on bullock power even after best efforts are being taken to industrialize the country. This study carried out to collect the information about bullock marketing with the following objectives: to study the general bullock trade practices, price structure of bullocks, marketing of crossbred bullocks and to find out the constraints in marketing of bullocks.India is an agrarian country having huge population from rural areas and being developing country Indian farmers mainly depends on draft power for cultivating their fields. Thus, the agricultural marketing guides for new opportunities and encourages innovation and improvement in response to demand... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Marketing Of Bullocks (Mahesh Tanpure,Kalpana Dahatonde and Vishnu Tanpure)