Food safety standards have become increasingly important in the food value chains, progressively infusing both domestic market and international trade. These standards are related to food safety and the integrity of food systems. This research work identified the value chains of commercial beekeepers, traditional forest bee keepers and rock bee hunters in Chitwan district, Nepal. Evaluation of the impacts of food safety standards was carried out using the Cost Benefit analysis and Critical Success Factor (CSF). The result of the analysis revealed that implementation of standards was significant in realizing high net returns and improving social capital of stakeholders. Beekeeping is one of the most potential growth opportunities in Nepal due to the tradition, rich biodiversity and a wide variety of flora. The research study proposes to ensure more effective and consistent planning to increase development programs by Government of Nepal and NGOs to uplift the tradition of beekeeping in... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Impacts of Food Safety Standards on Honey Value Chains (Keerthiraj Siddapura and Rajeshwari S M)