An Enhanced Medium Access Control Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks Priyadarshini Sabut

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Priyadarshini Sabut - «An Enhanced Medium Access Control Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks»

О книге

Ad hoc Networks are the most popular networks and are useful in many application environments due to less cost and easy deployment at anytime anywhere. The efficiency of these networks depends on the performance and reliability of the medium access control (MAC) protocol applied in such networks. The IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC protocol for ad hoc networks suffers from the problem of bandwidth sharing due to presence of hidden and exposed nodes. This book discusses a MAC protocol that not only overcomes the problem of hidden and exposed nodes but also allows the hidden nodes to transmit and exposed nodes to receive without interfering with the ongoing transmission in their vicinity, thereby improving channel utilization. The proposed protocol outperforms IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC in terms of throughput and packet delivery ratio with a little cost of control overhead. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге An Enhanced Medium Access Control Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks (Priyadarshini Sabut)

Полное название книги Priyadarshini Sabut An Enhanced Medium Access Control Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Автор Priyadarshini Sabut
Ключевые слова технические науки, технические науки в целом, техника
Категории Образование и наука, Технические науки
ISBN 9783838393476
Год 2013
Название транслитом an-enhanced-medium-access-control-protocol-for-ad-hoc-networks-priyadarshini-sabut
Название с ошибочной раскладкой an enhanced medium access control protocol for ad hoc networks priyadarshini sabut