Maddie led a typical suburban family life-a husband who worked, three children, supportive parents and siblings still living near. All was good and comfortable. She felt set for life and happy, until there was a very unexpected happening. Her husband, Sari, disappeared. Maddie was left with broken dreams and a shattered heart. How could this happen? And why? It would have been easier to crawl under the covers and disappear but Maddie resolved herself to making life work. She quickly found that strength and determination had taken a back seat to routine. It was up to her to find hers and become the pillar her family needed to survive. Maddie would not let them down. Diane is a retired school teacher. This is her fourth novel with America Star Books. She also has four picture books with them and six teacher resource books published with Teacher Created Resources. She continues to write in various genres, and is also writing screen plays and greeting card verses. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге If... The Blossoms Fall (Dyann Nees)