"Will the Real Carolyn Keene Please Stand Up" tells of the lives of the three primary creators of the Nancy mystery series and how the plucky, intelligent, resourceful, and famous girl sleuth came to life, along with the controversy that still rages on about who really created the Nancy that millions of readers across the globe have come to know and love. Will the Real Carolyn Keene Please Stand Up is a fresh take on one of America's most popular characters-Nancy Drew. Keleny offers readers a behind-the-scenes look at the dedicated and determined creators of the series. She also reveals the competing-and often conflicting-visions each author had for Nancy. This novel is entertaining, smart, and exceptionally well researched. It is certain to interest anyone who is curious about the surprising mystery behind the Nancy Drew mysteries. ~ Jenna Nelson, PhD If you didn't already know, Carolyn Keene, of the famous Nancy mystery series, is not a real person. Neither is the Hardy... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Will the Real Caroyln Keene Please Stand Up (Christine Keleny)