With young magicians struggling to understand their powers and magical artifacts that are being stolen by Nazis, the Tommy Black series is a unique and exciting mixture of Harry Potter and Indiana Jones. The four book series follows Tommy and his magician friend Naomis quest to understand and recover the three magical artifacts of Jamshid, the great Persian emperor and magician. In a twist on the traditional coming-of-age tale, as the series progresses Tommys power lessens, and that of his friend Naomi increases. Tommy Black and the Coat of Invincibility takes place in 1940 war-torn Europe. Dedicated to reshaping his family's legacy, Tommy Black has spent two years mastering the powerful Staff of Light and freeing the magical creatures in England. While he was focusing on his personal mission, however, Germany had invaded Europe, igniting the flames of world war. Desiring to help, Tommy volunteers to free the magical creatures in Germany to... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Tommy Black and the Coat of Invincibility (Jake Kerr)