Business in the Bible W. G. Barnes

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W. G. Barnes - «Business in the Bible»

О книге

Whilst honest labor is essential to the well being of both body and mind, our Saviour taught us a more important business than that of simply earning our daily bread: "For what shall profit a man (or a woman) if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul"?" -from "A Note" What occupations are Biblically approved for women? What art or craft may the believer safely indulge in? Is there any Scriptural guidance to be had on the setting of wages? How might creditors and debtors expect to be dealt with under Biblical law? This singular work directs the reader, chapter and verse, to all the pertinent sections of the Bible concerned with filthy lucre, the doings of commerce, and the business of merchants, farmers, and wealthy men. The guide to the God's eye view on money and the making of it is here. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Business in the Bible (W. G. Barnes)

Полное название книги W. G. Barnes Business in the Bible
Автор W. G. Barnes
Ключевые слова библия, Священное писание. Библия и сопутствующие ей книги, евангелия, тексты
Категории Религия и эзотерика, Христианство
ISBN 9781596056060
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2005
Название транслитом business-in-the-bible-w-g-barnes
Название с ошибочной раскладкой business in the bible w. g. barnes