Jesus asked a very relevant question in Saint Luke 18, Verse 8, When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? Jesus Christ is the example for every believer to follow. We need to get back to the model Church that He established with His life, death and resurrection. He is the standard of normal Christian living, and anything less is unacceptable and renders His sacrifice null and void. He promised the Father to present to Him a Glorious Church free from blemishes, and thats exactly what He will do. We need to become the Acts 29 Church. A glorious Church, a people of faitha perfect Church, who will pick up the mantle where the Apostles left off and bring to ruin the kingdom of darkness. This book is a step in that direction. At the end of each Chapter is a Prophetic Word I believe I received in my spirit from God over the course of writing this book. I like the idea of God having the final say at the end of each Chapter. Amen. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге A Glorious Church (Cleveland O. McLeish)