A Few Good Golf Stories Joe Black

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Joe Black - «A Few Good Golf Stories»

О книге

A Few Good Golf Stories" is a great collection of anecdotes by a man who was there - Joe Black. Joe played on the PGA Tour as a young man and then had a very distinguished golf career that included... Chairman of the PGA Rules Committee from 1969-1976. Chairman of the PGA Championship in 1979 and 1980 Chairman of the PGA Senior Championship in1983 Captain of the PGA Cup Team in 1981-1983-1984 Chairman of the Ryder Cup Matches in 1983 Joe is also a member of... Texas Golf Hall of Fame Hardin Simmons University Sports Hall of Fame PGA of America Hall of Fame In his book, Joe describes his experiences with some of the greats of golf - Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Ben Crenshaw, Sam Sneed, and many others. He also describes how the PGA has changed and adapted to become the organization that it is today. If you are a golfer, enjoy watching golf, or a reader of good stories, you will want to purchase, "A Few Good Golf Stories." Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге A Few Good Golf Stories (Joe Black)

Полное название книги Joe Black A Few Good Golf Stories
Автор Joe Black
Ключевые слова спортивный туризм, альпинизм, другие виды спорта
Категории Разное, Спорт
ISBN 9780981902395
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2011
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