Fashion Illustrator Bethan Morris (книга)

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Bethan Morris - «Fashion Illustrator»


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О книге

A comprehensive, visually-led overview that covers all areas of fashion drawing, presentation, and illustration, "Fashion Illustrator" both teaches students how to draw the fashion figure and provides an extended showcase of established and emerging illustrators. From initial inspiration through to finished illustration, the book teaches the student how to draw from life and accurately depict body proportions, and also includes advice on exaggerating proportions for effect. A technical chapter outlines the use of different media, showing students how to use color, and features techniques for rendering different materials and patterns. Dedicated tutorials explore both digital and traditional media (Illustrator, Photoshop, photo-montage, mixedmedia, drawing, ink, embroidery) through the work of leading fashion illustrators, giving the student the confidence to experiment with different illustrative styles. Later chapters outline the history of both twentieth-century... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Fashion Illustrator (Bethan Morris)

Полное название книги Bethan Morris Fashion Illustrator
Тип Книга
Автор Bethan Morris
Ключевые слова дизайн, изобразительное искусство
Категории Искусство и культура, Изобразительное искусство
ISBN 9781856696548
Возрастное ограничение 18
Год 2010
Название транслитом fashion-illustrator-bethan-morris
Просмотров 3
Рейтинг 0,0

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Bethan Morris «Fashion Illustrator»

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