George Harrison: Living in the Material World offers a portrait in full of an artist who possessed the world at twenty-one and became transformed, as Paul Theroux puts it in his introduction, into a man who was "on fire within": "His saturation in the material world drove him to seek the spiritual in things - and so his life seems a series of vanishings and reappearances, journeys there and back." Drawing from Harrison's own photographs, letters, diaries, and memorabilia, Olivia Harrison traces the arc of Harrison's life, from his guitar-obsessed boyhood in Liverpool; to the astonishment of The Beatles years and his discovery of Indian culture and music; to his days as an independent musician, film producer, and bohemian squire. True to its subject, her book evokes patterns of experience - with carefully selected images and stories and reminiscences from Harrison's family and his extraordinary circle of friends - that reveal the roots of his art, his humour and his love of... Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге George Harrison: Living in the Material World