The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (Classic Reprint) Benjamin Drake

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Benjamin Drake - «The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (Classic Reprint)»

О книге

Excerpt from The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk

In presenting to the public the life and adventures of Black Hawk, some account of the Sac and Fox Indians - of Keokuk, their distinguished chief - and of the Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (Classic Reprint) (Benjamin Drake)

Полное название книги Benjamin Drake The Great Indian Chief of the West, or Life and Adventures of Black Hawk (Classic Reprint)
Автор Benjamin Drake
Ключевые слова социология, общие работы по социологии
Категории Образование и наука, Социология
ISBN 9781331272557
Издательство Книга по Требованию
Год 2015
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Название с ошибочной раскладкой the great indian chief of the west, or life and adventures of black hawk (classic reprint) benjamin drake