Excerpt from Confederate Veteran, Vol. 5
Gen. George Moorman gave the greater pleasure to Christmas by the following - dated at New Orleans, December 25, 1846:
S. A. Cunningham, Editor of the Veteran: If you see at any time anything I can do to aid you with the Veteran, and in preparing your issues from now on to the reunion, I will gladly assist you with any material or information Headquarters can furnish. The reunion being held at Nashville will bring the Veteran into greater prominence than heretofore, and whatever material or information I can furnish, will be given you cheerfully and promptly.
To a business correspondence, Mr. B. F. Johnson, of Richmond, Va., adds the following patriotic words:
Let us treat all with the largest hearted liberality. We have enough substantial things to be proud over without contending for little and unimportant things and without splitting hairs. I want to see the Veteran teach the broadest sort of patriotism. You are beginning to get a hold on the people now that will make your paper a blessing to every part of the United States. If the men who want to discuss war issues in it are not willing to discuss them in a sweet tempered, kindly way, then such discussions had better be left out. I am a Southerner, through and through; I love every foot of the Southland; I love the North, and East, and West, and I do not intend to let my devotion to the South lessen one iota of my interest in the welfare of my fellow countrymen wherever they may be located. I have warm friends on both sides. I think such a paper as the Confederate Veteran may be the means of really making our people better acquainted with each other, of enabling them to look down into the honest hearts of each other and to appreciate all of their excellencies, without one lingering spark of bitterness or selfishness.
A United States District Judge, living in the North, who had been reading the Veteran, secured all the back numbers and when he put the bundle down in his home was impatiently asked by his wife:
"What do you want with that?" and he replied:
"My dear, the time is coming when its bound volumes will be the most valuable in our library, for they will comprise a correct history of the war."
In renewing his subscription for two years, Capt. H. B. Littlepage, of the Naval War Records, Washington City, writes:
Among all the war literature there is none I enjoy so much as that contained in the Confederate Veteran. It seems to be in touch with those whom all brave men should delight to honor.
Dr. A. J. Thomas, Evansville, Ind., sending renewal, adds:
I hope you may receive one hundred thousand "Christmas Gifts" of this kind. Every one who has an interest in the days of 1861-65 should spare at least one dollar to the Veteran. The Southern people especially should read it and should contribute to its columns.
To the Confederate Veteran: At a recent meeting of Gen. N. B. Forrest"s staff and escort, in recounting old war memories, the fact was brought out that the writer is the only surviving member of Forrest"s military family as it was constituted for the first four months of service. The Generals son William was frequently with us, but had not at this date, as I remember, been sworn into the service.
In view of the fact that Forrest is rapidly becoming recognized as the greatest of Tennessee soldiers, it is eminently proper that his old soldiers should meet in a grand rally one day during the Tennessee Centennial. As the oldest survivor of his first military family, I write to suggest that we have a Forrest day, that all comrades who at any time served with him be present, first in military parade and then in historic celebration. Gens. Chalmers and Jackson, who commanded divisions under Forrest, are both residents of Tennessee and would no doubt grace the occasion by again commanding the veterans. Presuming that all old soldiers read the C. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Confederate Veteran, Vol. 5 (Classic Reprint) (Confederated Southern Memor Association)