Preface - Preface II - Introduction - I. Compounding Chemistry - Definitions - Physical Properties of Chemicals - II. Classes of Chemicals, Their Chemical Properties, Reactions, and Uses - III.· Chemicals Classified by Use - IV. Raw Materials - Uniform Replacement - Grade or Purity - Handling - Legal Restrictions - Formulation - Proportions - Methods of Manufacture - Costs - Use of the Finished Product - Storing Essential Oils - Water - V. Processing Procedure and Equipment - The Laboratory - The Compounding Room - Operations - Testing - Equipment - Containers and Packaging - Receiving and Shipping - VI. Marketing - Introducing a Product - Selling - New Product Development - VII. General Business Principles - Capital - Business Organization - Insurance - Business Law - Social Security - Labor Relations - Good Will - Renting vs Buying - Credits and Collections - Business Growth - Financing - Buying Materials and Equipment - Records and Bookkeeping - VIII. Technical Help - Is This the Right Time to Start Your Business? - Where to Get Information - How Much Capital Do You Need to Start? - Books - Catalogs - Trade Papers - Consultants - Trademarks - Patent Laws on Chemical Compounds - IX. Federal Laws and Regulations - X. Formulary - Adhesives and Sealants - Coatings - Cosmetics and Drugs - Polish - Detergents & Sanitizers - Miscellaneous - Appendix - Some Incompatible Chemicals - Common Hazardous Chemicals - First Aid for Chemical Injuries - Abbreviations - Common and Chemical Names - Tables - Trademark Chemicals - Supplementary List of Trademark Chemicals and Suppliers - Suppliers of Trademark Chemicals - Index - Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Chemical Specialties