Some questions concerning to biophysical problems of human body functioning are considered in the book. A series of well-known biophysical theories, for example, the Hodgkin – Huxley theory of the action potential propagation, the theory of active muscular contraction, etc. is stated. Alongside with it development of the author are submitted also: inductance-capacitor model of the excitable tissue on the basis of which the nonlinear equation for action potential is written down, also quantum character of ions carry through a membrane, cardiac electrogenesis is investigated. New aspects of the high-frequency electromagnetic field influence on tissue of the organism is shown, laws of the impulse current influence on tissue, etc. are investigated. Some new approaches to functioning acoustical and visual analyzers are considered. On the basis of the separate analysis of family trees and a population with use of the new form of the Hardy - Weinberg law the series of mathematical genetics problems is solved. The book can be useful to doctors, scientific working in the medicine area, to students of medical faculties and everyone who is interested in the human biophysics. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Human biophysics