This is a reference book which describes importance, use and basic information relevant to lead stress in mung bean for the estimation of effect of heavy metal stress at germination as well as growth phase. After germination it was observed that inhibition of root growth is more as compared to shoot growth. In this regard spectrophotometric readings also showed that lead accumulated more in root as compared to shoot. In presence of lead the plant show chlorosis and there was drastic decrease in the chlorophyll content. Moreover, protein synthesis was also largely inhibited. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile of buffer soluble protein content in lead treated mung bean seedlings showed increase intensity of a few major polypeptides in comparison to control. Mung bean try to develop some machinery to tolerate lead induced stress condition but at lower concentration of lead. At higher concentration either it fails to germinate or show very reduced growth. Present book is basically written for botany scholar and person interested in lead stress research on mung bean. Это и многое другое вы найдете в книге Responces of Lead Stress in Mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek]